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2025 의료기기 해외 전시회 일정 (2025년 키메스 포함)

by toucrew 2025. 2. 3.

2025년 의료기기 해외 전시회 리스트


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지
1월 22 - 23 Finland Helsinki The Finnish Medical Convention 2025 https://laakaripaivat.messukeskus.com/en/?lang=en
22 - 24 Japan Tokyo 11th Wearable Expo https://www.wearable-expo.jp/en-gb.html?1209WEAen_MEDIX&elqTrackId=B558BF26DCED3BFDB48EC84513E24669&elqTrack=true#/
27 - 30 UAE Dubai Arab Health 2025 http://www.arabhealthonline.com
28 - 29 Germany Munich Medical Devices Europe 2025 - Outsourcing in Clinical Trials https://www.arena-international.com/event/octmedeurope/
30 - 2/1 France Paris IMCAS World Congress 2025 https://www.imcas.com/en/attend/imcas-world-congress-2025
31 - 2/1 Germany Stuttgart Medizin Stuttgart 2025 https://www.messe-stuttgart.de/medizin/


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

3 - 6 UAE Dubai Medlab Middle East 2025 https://www.medlabme.com/en/home.html
4 - 6 USA Anaheim, CA MD&M WEST 2025 https://www.mdmwest.com/en/home.html
6 – 8 Bahrain Manama Health/Wellness Expo 2025 https://hwexpobh.com/
13- 15 Uganda Kampala Uganda Pharma Healthcare Expo 2025 https://brightexh.com/Uganda%20Pharma/eventdetail.html
18 - 19 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Future Healthcare Asia 2025 https://futurehealthcareasia.com/
18 - 20 USA Dallas Medtrade 2025 https://medtrade.com/
21 - 22 Parkistan Isalamabad PAK HEALTH 2025 https://pakhealthexpo.com/
26 - 28 Japan Tokyo THIS 2025 https://www.this.ne.jp/en/
27 – 3/1 Nepal Kathmandu Nepal Medical Show 2025 http://www.nepalmedicalshow.com
28 – 3/2 Sri Lanka Colombo Medicare Sri Lanka (Colombo) 2025 https://medicare.lk/


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

1 - 3 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek MedExpo 2025 Kyrgyzstan https://medexpo.kg/
1 - 5 USA Boston Pittcon Conference and Expo 2025 https://pittcon.org/exposition/
2 - 5 USA Las Vegars WVC 2025 https://exhpo.com/wvc/
4 - 6 Denmark Copenhagen Health & Rehab by Danish.Care 2025 https://eventsite.eventbuizz.com/health---rehab-by-danish-care-2025-12237
5 - 7 Japan Osaka Medical Japan 2025 - Osaka https://www.medical-jpn.jp/osaka/en-gb/visit.html?co=hubnavi
7 - 9 Germany Augsburg Intersana 2025 https://www.messeninfo.de/intersana-M1156/Augsburg.html
20 - 23 South Korea Seoul KIMES 2025 https://kimes.kr/eng/
20 - 23 Italy Bologna Cosmoprof 2025 https://www.cosmoprof.com/
27 - 29 India New Delhi Medical Fair India 2025 - New Delhi https://www.medicalfair-india.com


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

8 - 11 China Shanghai CMEF 2025 - ICMD 2025 Spring Edition https://www.cmef.com.cn/en
9 - 11 Japan Tokyo Medtec Japan 2025 https://medtecjapan.com/en/
9 - 12 Algeria Oran SIMEM 2025 https://simem.info/en/home-simem/
10 - 12 Kenya Nairobi Kenya Pharma Healthcare https://brightexh.com/kenyapharma/eventdetail.html
10 - 13 Germany Cologne FIBO 2025 https://www.fibo.com/germany/en-gb.html
14 - 16 UAE Dubai Dubai Derma 2025 https://dubaiderma.com/
15 - 17 UAE Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Global Health Week 2025 https://www.adghw.com/
15 - 17 Uzbekistan Tashkent TIHE 2025 https://tihe.uz/en/
15 - 18
Bealrus Minsk Belarus Medica 2025 https://belarusmedica.by/
23 - 24 Belgium Mechelen Health&Care 2025 https://www.health-care.be/
24 - 26 Turkey Istanbul ExpoMED Eurasia 2025 https://expomedistanbul.com


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

3 - 6 USA Las Vegas HIMSS Annual Meeting 2025 https://informa-prod65.adobecqms.net/content/esa/na/himssconference/en/homepage.html
8 - 10 Bangladesh Dhaka Meditex Bangladesh 2025 https://www.cems-meditex.com/
8 - 11 Vietnam Hanoi Vietnam Medi-Pharm 2025 – Hanoi https://vietnammedipharm.vn/Default.aspx?language=en-US
14 - 16 Kenya Nairobi MedExpo/Dentexpo Africa 2025(Kenya) https://www.expogr.com/kenyamed/
15 - 18 Morocco Casablanca Morocco Medical Expo 2025 https://www.mmedicalexpo.ma/Default.aspx?language=en
20 - 22 USA New York MD&M East 2025 https://www.mdmeast.com/en/attend/show-sectors/medical.html
20 - 23 Brazil Sao Paulo Hospitalar 2025 https://www.hospitalar.com/en/home.html
21 - 23 Kazakhstan Almaty KIHE 2025 https://kihe.kz/en/


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지
5 - 7 Taiwan Taipei Medical Taiwan 2025 https://www.medicaltaiwan.com.tw/en/index.html
11 - 13 USA Miami Beach FL FIME 2025 https://www.fimeshow.com/en/home.html
18 - 20 Turkey Istanbul Beauty Eurasia 2025 https://beautyeurasia.com/Home
25 - 26 Japan Osaka-shi Japan Health 2025 https://japanhealthonline.com


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지
11 - 13 India New Delhi India Health 2025 http://www.indiahealth-exhibition.com
16 -18 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Medlab Asia - Asia Health 2025 https://www.medlabasia.com/asiahealth/en/home.html
28 - 31 Colombia Bogota Meditech 2025 https://feriameditech.com/en/
31 - 8/2 Vietnam Ho chi Minh Medi-Pharm Expo 2025 https://hcm.medipharmexpo.com/en/


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지
7 - 9 Indonesia Jakarta IndoHealthcare Expo 2025 https://indohealthcareexpo.com/
19 - 21 Mexico Mexico City Expo Med Mexico 2025 https://www.expomed.com.mx/es/home.html
20 - 22 China Suzhou Medical Fair China 2025 https://www.medicalfair.cn/en


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

10 - 11 Hungary Budapest Digital Health 2025 https://globalnursingconferences.org/
10 - 12 Thailand Bangkok Medical Fair Thailand 2025 https://www.medicalfair-thailand.com/
10 - 12 Tanzania Dar es Salaam MedExpo/Dentexpo Africa 2025 https://www.expogr.com/tanzania/medexpo/
17 - 19 Cambodia Phnom Penh PharMed Cambodia 2025 https://pharmed-asia.com/cambodia-1.html
17 - 20 Germany Dusseldorf Rehacare 2025 https://www.rehacare.com/
22 - 24 Saudi Arabia Riyadh The 4th Saudi International Medlab Expo 2025 https://saudimedlabexpo.com/
24 - 27 Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City PHARMEDI VIETNAM 2025 https://www.pharmed.vn/
26 - 29 China Guangzhou CMEF Guangzhou 2025 http://www.cmef.com.cn/en
26 - 28 South Korea Busan KIMES Busan 2025 https://kimesbusan.com/kor/
30 - 10/1 USA Boston MEDevice Boston 2025 https://www.medeviceboston.com/en/home.html


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

1 - 2 Brazil Sao Paolo HIS 2025 https://his.saudebusiness.com/pt/home.html
1 - 3 Japan Tokyo Medical Japan 2025 https://www.medical-jpn.jp/tokyo/engb.html
8 - 10 Kenya Nairobi Medic East Africa 2025
MedLab East Africa 2025
20 - 23 Saudi Arabia Riyadh Global Health Exhibition https://www.globalhealthsaudi.com/en/home.html
24 - 26 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Asia Health 2025 https://www.asiahealthexpo.com/
29 - 11/1 Indonesia Jakarta Hospital Expo 2025 https://www.hospital-expo.com/
30 - 11/1 Azerbaijan Baku Medinex 2025 https://medinex.az/en/main


전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지
17 - 20 Germany Dusseldorf MEDICA and COMPAMED 2025 https://www.medica.de/
30 - 12/4 USA  Chicago RSNA 2025 https://www.rsna.org/annual-meeting/future-and-past-meetings


한국의료기기 협동조합 한국관 구성 해외전시회

구분 전시 기간 국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지
정부지원 1월 27 - 30 UAE Dubai Arab Health 2025 http://www.arabhealthonline.com
정부지원 4월 8 - 11 China Sanghai CMEF Shanghai 2025 http://www.cmef.com.cn/en
정부지원 5월 20 - 23 Brazil São Paulo Hospitalar 2025 http://www.hospitalar.com/en
자체사업 9월 10 - 12 Thailand Bangkok Medical Fair Thailand 2025 https://www.medicalfair-thailand.com/?sc=hcm
자체사업 9월 24 - 27 Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City PHARMEDI VIETNAM 2025 https://www.pharmed.vn/
정부지원 9월 26 - 29 China Guangzhou CMEF Guangzhou 2025 http://www.cmef.com.cn/en
자체사업 10월 29 - 11/1 Indonesia Jakarta Hospital Expo 2025 https://www.hospital-expo.com/
정부지원 11월 17 - 20 Germany Düsseldorf MEDICA 2025 http://www.medica-tradefair.com


구분 전시 기간
국가 지역 전시회명 홈페이지

3월 17 - 20 South Korea Seoul KIMES 2025 https://kimes.kr/kor/
9월 26 - 28 South Korea Seoul KIMES Busan 2025 https://kimesbusan.com/kor/


