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의료기기 가이드라인 :)/동반진단의료기기

동반진단 의료기기 (In vitro Companion Diagnostic Devices, IVD-CDx) 가이드라인

by toucrew 2025. 1. 20.

국내·외 동반진단의료기기 관련 가이드라인

연도 제목
2014 In Vitro Companion Diagnostic Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff(美, FDA Guidance)
2015 체외동반진단기기(In vitro Companion Diagnostics Devices) 허가·심사 가이드라인
2016 Principles for Codevelopment of an In vitro Companion Diagnostic Device with a Therapeutic Product(美, FDA Draft-Guidance)
2018 액상생검(Liquid Biopsy)을 이용한 동반진단의료기기의 안전성·성능 및 임상시험계획서 평가 가이드라인
2018 동반진단의료기기를 사용하는 의약품의 허가사항 기재 가이드라인
2020 Developing and Labeling In vitro Companion Diagnostic Devices for a Specific Group of Oncology Therapeutic Products(美, FDA Guidance)


CLSI 가이드라인

연도 제목
EP6-A Evaluation of the Linearity of Quantitative Measurement Procedures: A Statistical Approach; Approved Guideline
EP17-A2 Evaluation of Detection Capability for Clinical Laboratory Measurement Procedures; Approved Guideline-Second Edition
EP25-A Evaluation of Stability of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents; Approved Guideline
H3-H6 Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture
H21-A5 Collection, Transport, and Processing of blood specimens for testing plasma-based coagulation assay and molecular hemostasis assay
GP44-A4 Procedures for the Handling and Processing of Blood Specimens for Common Laboratory Tests, 4th Edition


