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[국가임상시험지원재단] 해외 임상시험 정보 데이터(Global Data) 보고서 제공

by toucrew 2023. 10. 6.



Global Data Intelligence Center
구분 보고서 (영문) 업로드 날짜
Emerging Market Quarterly Mergers, Acquisitions, and FinancingQ1 2023 03-29-2023
Emerging Markets Contract Service AgreementsQ1 2023 03-29-2023
Clinical Trials: A Scorecard for Clinical Trial Investigations in 2022 03-28-2023
Comparison of Humira Biosimilars in the US and Europe 03-24-2023
Novel FDA Drug Approvals Massively Declined in 2022 but What Are the Opportunities for CMOs in 2023? 03-24-2023
Alzheimer's Drug Leqembi Set to Generate $12.9 Billion in Sales by 2028 03-24-2023
Biotech’s Post-IPO Boom: Rebounding from a 2022 Low? 03-23-2023
Prometheus’ PRA023 Could Address an Immediate Need in Crohn’s Disease Treatment 03-23-2023
AbbVie Parkinson’s Drug ABBV-951 Faces a Few Hurdles Before FDA Approval 03-23-2023
Race for a First-to-Market Therapy for NASH Heats Up 03-20-2023
Pfizer Acquires ADC Pioneer Seagen for $43 Billion to Expand Oncology Portfolio 03-20-2023
질환별 Obesity: Seven-Market Drug Forecast and Market Analysis 03-28-2023
Chronic Kidney Disease: 68-Market Analysis and Sales Forecast 03-28-2023
Shaping AML Treatment: How Menin Inhibitors Are Changing the Game 03-20-2023
