
  보고서 (영문)
Janssen Gains Approval for Rybrevant as First-Line Treatment for NSCLC Subtype
Innovent’s ROS1 TKI Is One Step Closer to Winning the Chinese NSCLC Market
FLOW Trial Sheds Positive Light on Ozempic for CKD
GLP1 Agonists to Surpass PD1 Antagonists as the Best Selling Drugs in 2024 and Beyond
IO360: Phase II Trial Reveals Motixafortide's Efficacy in First-Line Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
RNA-Based Drugs and the Impact of COVID-19
Eli Lilly’s Partnership with Amazon to Boost Presence in Diabetes and Obesity Markets
Padcev, Keytruda, and Balversa Leave Little Room for Opdivo in Urothelial Carcinoma
질환별 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Competitive Landscape
Cases of Tuberculosis Could Exceed Pre-Pandemic Numbers in England
TB Potentially Transmissible in Undiagnosed Cases
Cell & Gene Therapies in CNS Disorders
Artificial Intelligence Identified Two Evolutionary Pathways of Prostate Cancer
Female Vitiligo Patients Are at an Increased Risk of Osteoporosis
Lung Cancer Deaths Have Declined Sharply in UK Middle-Aged Adults
AD/PD 2024: Early Diagnosis Remains a Hurdle for DMT in Parkinson’s
AD/PD 2024: The Role of Blood-Based Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease
AD/PD 2024: Promise for TauRx’s HMTM, Despite Lacking Primary Endpoint Data
AD/PD 2024: Cell Therapies Show Promise for Parkinson’s Disease Non-motor Symptoms
AD/PD 2024: Eli Lilly’s Donanemab Hit with FDA Delay
AD/PD 2024: Leqembi Data Supports Early Treatment Initiation for Better Outcomes
AD/PD 2024: BioVie’s Novel NE3107 Shows Promise but Confirmatory Trial Needed
AD/PD 2024: Exploring Cutting-Edge Therapies for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Defining the HTA Landscape for France and Germany: 2019–23
Highlights from the IO360 Conference: PD-1 Inhibitors and Systemic Oncolytic Viral Immunotherapies
New NIH Cancer Screening Research Network to Evaluate Screening Technologies
BIOSECURE Act Could Impact WuXi-Manufactured Drugs for the US Market
Clinical Trial Decline Highlights a Lack of Incentives for Drug Manufacturers



구분 보고서(영문)

AbbVie’s Humira Loss of Exclusivity Has Been a Missed Opportunity for Competitors
J&J Forecast to Dominate BiTE Market
2-SUCCEED Trial Sheds Positive Light on SC0062 for IgAN
Small but Mighty, mRNA Vaccines Enter H5N1
J&J’s Carvykti to Make a Meteoric Rise in Multiple Myeloma
Pipeline Power: Sionna’s AbbVie Deal Could Redefine CF Therapeutics
Paratek’s Nuzyra Exhibits Continued Clinical Success Following Phase III Study
NewAmsterdam’s Obicetrapib Holds Potential to Become First CETP Inhibitor to Advance to Clinical Practice
Viking Therapeutics’s New Dual GLP-1R/GIPR Agonist Expected to Start Phase III Clinical Trials Soon
Novo’s Growth Faces Challenges Despite GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Obesity Boom
Clinical Trials: Psychedelic Therapeutics

The US Biosecure Act Threatens to Destabilize the Pharmaceutical Industry
FDA’s Diversity Action Plan May Set a New Paradigm for Trial Transparency
Monthly Macroeconomic Forecast - July 2024
Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Epidemiology Forecast to 2033
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Market Expected to Reach $3.0 Billion Across the 7MM by 2033
US Study Explores Racial Disparities in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
High Caseload of Dengue in New York and New Jersey
Multiple Myeloma Eight-Market Drug Forecast
Irregular Sleeping Pattern Increases the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Alcoholic Hepatitis: Competitive Landscape
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Trials Increase Over Past 5 Years
New AI Model Boosts Early Osteoporosis Diagnosis for Aging Populations
Migraine: Epidemiology Forecast to 2033
US Launches Campaign to Address Racial Disparities in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing



전체 의료기기 전주기 관련하여 어려움이 있는 경우, 지원 가이드라인 참고하면 좋을 듯

의료기기 전주기 지원 가이드라인

[1] 기술개발

- 신의료기술평가 길라잡이 서비스 지원

[2] 제품화

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- 적용규격 가이드

[3] 비임상/임상

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[4] 인허가

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- 의료기기 신고, 인증

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[5] 보험 등재

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- 신의료기술평가 유예

- 혁신의료기술평가

- 혁신의료기술 임시등재

- 신의료기술평가

- 요양급여대상 여부 결정신청

[6] 환자 안전

- 중앙환자안전센터

- 환자 안전 주의 경보

- 의료기기 부작용 수집 분석 평가 및 인과관계 조사

[7] 시장 진출지원

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- 의료기기 국제인증지원센터

- 유럽 MDR 인증획득 기반 구축

[8] 지원 및 교육

- 의료기기 사업화 촉진

- 의료기기산업 종합지원센터

- 의료기기 맞춤형 지원

- 의료기기 신고, 인증 지원상담

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- 의료기기 종사자 교육



의료기기 전주기 지원 가이드라인.pdf


□ 교육 및 세미나 안내

❍ 행  사  명 : 신뢰성 관점의 의료기기 소프트웨어 밸리데이션 교육 및 세미나

❍ 일      시 : 2024년 8월 29일(목), 10:30 ~ 16:30

 장      소 : 스페이스스퀘어 강남역센터 비너스홀(8F)

                * 서울 서초구 서초대로 398 BNK 디지털타워 8층

❍ 신청 방법 : 구글 신청폼(https://forms.gle/kfq6rUPA3Y3P3gzF6)


소프트웨어 신뢰성 평가



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